DOC The Unofficial Zack Warren Fan Club by J.C. Isabella download txt

DOC The Unofficial Zack Warren Fan Club by J.C. Isabella download txt

DOC The Unofficial Zack Warren Fan Club by J.C. Isabella download txt

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Book description
Welcome to the big leagues. To secrets and scandals. Its all about the game. Whos playing. Whos not. Who has no idea about the game. And...wait, what game are we playing?Ill leave that for you to decide.Where to start is the big question for Chloe Baker. How was she supposed to explain to Zack Warren that she started a fan club for him when she was a kid? It was just a game. A way to make friends and have fun. She never thought it would spiral out of control. And never. In a million, gazillion years, did she think it would follow her to college. How could she tell him her best friend Lana kept the club alive? That she had nothing to do with the craziness? Chloe didn’t understand why she cared so much about Zacks opinion of her. She hated him. He hated her. They had very mutual feelings of dislike for each other. So hed just hate her even more when or if he found out. And thats totally fine...she thinks.Zack Warren had a soft spot for Chloe Baker. He likes the way she walks. He likes the way she talks. If he was poetically inclined, he’d write a sonnet about her ass.Its Zack’s junior year of college. He’s got things to worry about. Scouts from the major leagues. Baseball games. Contracts. Grades.... His father ran away to Vegas with Chloes mother. He didn’t have time to worry about a girl. But he did. He worried about Chloe a lot, especially with that jerk Max sniffing around her. Its weird though, to like your stepsister, right?But Zack could argue that he saw Chloe first. Way before his dad met her mom. He was too young to stake a claim. But just didn’t care anymore. He’s done playing games.
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