DOC The Sixth Victim by Tessa Harris (Goodreads Author) price tom view online macbook

DOC The Sixth Victim by Tessa Harris (Goodreads Author) price tom view online macbook

DOC The Sixth Victim by Tessa Harris (Goodreads Author) price tom view online macbook

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Book description
A real treat for fans of the Thomas Silkstone series and anyone interested in Jack the Ripper. Tessa Harris skilfully conveys the state of terror that must have existed during that period. As with her Silkstone books she does a great job in evoking the period feel and has clearly done a lot of research. I should say that if you don’t like gory descriptions of Ripper style murders this won’t be the book for you – but then you would probably have guessed that. Constance, the main character, is brave, principled, curious and keen to better herself. She has lots of potential to carry the series forward. I’ll certainly be looking out for the next one!
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