DOC The Science and Ethics of Engineering the Human Germ Line: Mendels Maze by Jon W. Gordon offline fb2 txt read download

DOC The Science and Ethics of Engineering the Human Germ Line: Mendels Maze by Jon W. Gordon offline fb2 txt read download

DOC The Science and Ethics of Engineering the Human Germ Line: Mendels Maze by Jon W. Gordon offline fb2 txt read download

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Book description
With implications that go to the core of what it means to be human, the issues raised by genetic manipulation especially cloning have sparked a passionate debate among governmental, religious, and scientific quarters, as well as the media and the general public. Keeping to the actual science rather than speculation is of the utmost importance for an enlightened approach to this weighty discussion. In clear, lively prose, The Science and Ethics of Engineering the Human Germ Line: Mendels Maze provides an authoritative treatment of the principles of science and bioethics that bear upon such technologies as germ-line insertion and cloning. It offers a realistic assessment of possible applications, limitations, and new developments likely to arise in these areas. Written by a top physician-investigator, this book progresses from the basics of building a living organism from inanimate parts through to recombinant DNA technology, assisted reproductive technologies, and gene transfer and germ-line engineering. Ethical considerations are woven into this material throughout, while a special section covers the intellectual role played by various social biases. As genetic and reproductive te
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