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Book description
Whoever wrote the description of this novel on goodreads obviously didnt know what it was about. Yes, this novel is about the lives of four women and 15th Century. No, it is not about times of Henry the VIII of England. Henry VIII ruled in 16th Century for starters.The novel is actually about the Wars of the Roses from the point of view of the four royal women from the period – Margaret of Anjou, Elizabeth Woodville, Anne Neville, Elizabeth of York. The main focus is on Margaret of Anjou and Elizabeth Woodville.The pros of this novel is that it doesnt try to portray all those women either in extremely sugar-coated light or in a very negative light. Margaret of Anjou is given a very sympathetic portrait here. She is no atrocious She-Wolf, but a persistent, brave woman fighting for her rights, her son and her weak husband. She can be really ruthless and flawed at the same time, though she also is able to empathize with her enemies.Elizabeth Woodville is neither a heroine of tale of chivalry, nor an evil annoying bitch, she has her romantic touching story with Edward IV and her share of haughtiness and plotting. Anne Neville is not an action girl, but bears her concerns and turmoils without whining and with dignity. Elizabeth of York has the smallest section out of all women, where she puts aside her romantic dreams in order to reunite the country after all those wars, despite not wanting to marry Henry Tudor.The cons are: some cheesy stuff like parts with Margaret of Anjou trying to attract attention of Henry VI or description of some of the love scenes between Elizabeth Woodville and Edward IV, though thankfully nothing graphic; the writing being at times a bit overextend in places; the cover. Boy, the cover is far more cheesy than the novel itself. Powers has her own view on some historical events. Like Edmund Duke of Somerset being Margaret of Anjous lover here and most likely the father of her son or Anne Neville being in love with her first husband Edward of Lancaster and having doubts at first about marrying Richard Gloucester or Elizabeth of York having infatuation with Richard III, her uncle.Having several historical characters under one cover can be considered a plus if you want to read something on TWOTR women and do it quickly.
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