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Book description
High school reunions. Nearly everyone is mildly curious about their classmates fortunes, but for some, the promise of soothing past hurts proves irresistible. Living in her native England, Jemma had largely forgotten about her traumatic senior year. But now that shes back in America, that damned invitation keeps nudging her�reminding her of the unexplored path shed been sure she was hers for the taking.Shelby hasnt fared as well as Jemma. Or maybe shes just not been able to vanquish the past. No matter what has gotten her stuck�she feels like shes fallen into quicksand. Maybe going to the reunion will let her connect with some old friends, to free herself from whatever is stopping her from living the life she was called to experience.To most, the potential of meeting your old classmates again promises an evening of shared memories. For Jemma and Shelby, this reunion will change their worlds.
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