DOC The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens by Christopher Bird spanish finder book tom via

DOC The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens by Christopher Bird spanish finder book tom via

DOC The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens by Christopher Bird spanish finder book tom via

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Book description
This book is about exactly what the title says. It is well written and interesting to read. It recounts the happenings of a period of a few months during which Christopher Bird, an American writer/journalist, was in person following this trial in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, having been tipped off about it by another journalist friend. The book is quite long because it includes quite a lot of auxiliary information about the main subject, Gaston Naessens, a remarkably talented Belgian scientist, and about the main topic, cancer and the cure for it that Naessens had formulated.Briefly, this scientists story is very reminiscent of Royal Raymond Rifes story of the 1920s and 30s. He developed an exceptional microscope that allowed him to study live blood by using different wavelengths of light and especially UV light, and thus see many things that nobody else was or had been able to. And in particular, to discover the somatid, a tiny living body that is found in every living cell, is essential for cell division and cellular reproduction and repair, and is polymorphic in nature: it changes state in a predictable way. The somatid shape shifts through one of two cycles: one that is healthy and consists of three different forms, and the other which is diseased and contains another 13 different forms. He was able to isolate, extract and grow somatids in cultures in order to study the polymorphic cycle very precisely. He found that if the somatids were in diseased states, then degenerative disease was present in the body, cancer being one of the most common degenerative disease conditions of this day and age.What he did is find a serum, that would in some specific way change the chemistry of the terrain, the fluid environment in which the bodys somatids and cells float and live, in order to bring back balance and health. The serum is injected in the lymphatic system, and stimulates the natural change to a healthy state in which disease gradually disappears as the body heals itself.The reason he was tried is because he treated and cured dozens of cancer patients, many of them terminally ill and written off as hopeless by their doctors, without having neither a medical degree nor a license to practice medicine. The good news is that he won the trial, because the claims and attacks onto his person by the Quebec medical establishment (The Medical Corporation) were baseless, while the integrity, scientific rigour and humaneness of Gaston Naessens were remarkable, unique but obvious thanks to the testimonials of those who deeply understood his science, those who had practiced it and witnessed its positive effects, and those who experienced it first hand and whose lives his treatment had saved. Here is the company he founded to distribute the cancer-healing serum 714X: http://www.cerbe.comWhat I found disappointing is the lack of enough details about the science of the somatids and of the effects of the serum. I found a few pages with information about him and 714X, but most of it was from the book. I havent been able to find much of anything else on the topic.
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