DOC The Perils of a Pastors Wife by Nan Jones (Goodreads Author) book offline look eng audio

DOC The Perils of a Pastors Wife by Nan Jones (Goodreads Author) book offline look eng audio

DOC The Perils of a Pastors Wife by Nan Jones (Goodreads Author) book offline look eng audio

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Book description
When pastors and their wives step out as ministry partners all hell breaks loose. When the Word of God is preached with power and boldness, the devil attacks. Nan Jones understands the frustrations and stress pastors wives face. Shes experienced the pressures and loneliness that comes from ministry burnout, social isolation, frantic schedules, and unrealistic expectations. She learned to rely on Gods faithfulness when self-righteous pew warmers whispered behind her back. When her knees ached from prayers of protection for her family and home, she chose to serve God and rested in His love. In The Perils of a Pastors Wife, Nan offers a hand to hold, aha moments of healing, and soul-strengthening biblical insight. If youre a pastors wife struggling with your calling, Nan presents a lifeline of hope and encouragement. As a wife and mother, she offers wisdom for the many roles the pastors wife plays. Be empowered to fight spiritual battles with Gods grace and love, protected by His armor. Learn creative ways to stand up for yourself while standing by your man. Feel the blessing of your calling as a ministry helper, marriage partner, and mother. Discover how to respond when all hell breaks loose. The Perils of a Pastors Wife will guide you through the calamities of life and restore your confidence in Gods purpose and plan for your life and ministry.
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