DOC The Knitters Book of Finishing Techniques by Nancie M. Wiseman book offline look eng audio

DOC The Knitters Book of Finishing Techniques by Nancie M. Wiseman book offline look eng audio

DOC The Knitters Book of Finishing Techniques by Nancie M. Wiseman book offline look eng audio

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Book description
The most beautiful knit fabric will make an awful sweater if the finishing techniques are not right. There is so much information to help make that perfect project in this small book. Only 144 pages, but they are packed with information. The books starts with Nancie’s Finishing Secrets, 7 tips that only experience can teach. There are variety of cast-on methods, seven in all, and five bind-off methods. Also, increases, decreases and selvages. There are even eleven seam stitches explained! There are nice diagrams, photographs, or both for each of the techniques.Also covered is picking up stitches, borders, bands, finishes, which includes crochet edges, and so much more.This is a hard cover book with a heavy spiral binding. It has a lay-flat design for easy use so you will never lose your place.Two worksheets finish the book for planning the next project. This is a very nice reference book for hand knitters.
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