DOC The Humiliation of the Word by Jacques Ellul pocket read italian tablet cheap

DOC The Humiliation of the Word by Jacques Ellul pocket read italian tablet cheap

DOC The Humiliation of the Word by Jacques Ellul pocket read italian tablet cheap

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Book description
If I could actually understand this book, Im sure I would give it more than 2/5. I think I am very sympathetic to Elluls points (I certainly am to Neil Postman in Amusing Ourselves to Death, which has many similarities to this book) but I find Ellul a bit too dense to fathom. Maybe if he used images and pictures to illustrate his thought I would understand it better ;). One thing he carefully elaborates on is that there is often a division between reality and truth; our culture, obsessed with the physical and sensual, often neglects the validity of truth because it cannot be demonstrated in the same material, tangible fashion as reality.
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