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DOC The Honey And The Hemlock: Democracy & Paranoia In Ancient Athens & Modern America by Eli Sagan access cheap download iphone amazon

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What are the conditions that allowed this remarkably open and inclusive society to come about, and to endure? And what allowed it to collapse? Even in Athens, democracy had flaws: the demos can be tyrannical and blood-thirsty, subject to flattery (see Alcibiades), brutal to some while diligently fair to others. Ive read this twice (second in 11/2006) and got value out of it both times.The argument of this book is that without the additional crucial factor of a democratic spirit suffused throughout the demos, no institutional means can ensure a stable democratic society. We should not be surprised by the fragility of democratic society when we consider how extraordinarily difficult is had been to achieve. [p.352]
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