DOC The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire from the First Century AD to the Third by Edward N. Luttwak access review bookshop itunes free

DOC The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire from the First Century AD to the Third by Edward N. Luttwak access review bookshop itunes free

DOC The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire from the First Century AD to the Third by Edward N. Luttwak access review bookshop itunes

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Book description
Very interesting. A overview of the organization and goals of the Roman military through the various stages of the empire. Other histories of Rome just note a decline in the military strength of the army leading to the eventual downfall. This book notes the ways in which conditions changed both within the empire and with its enemies over the centuries. When Rome was most in control, its military was actually smaller, as was the territory. The control was indirect, through client states that took on most of the cost and burden of small scale defense. As time went on, Rome conquered the clients and incorporated the client states along with the costs of the defense. The armies grew larger to provide the defense and less mobile because there were no clients to occupy enemies while Rome maneuvered its legions into position. The legions were replaced with local troops that needed to be spread all along the larger borders. The armies and costs got larger while security actually declined. Then civil wars came with various generals pulling troops from these border defenses to fight each other, weakening the border defenses. At the same time, the enemies at the borders were getting stronger with the Parthian empire being replaced by the Sassinid empire in the east and the various scattered barbarian tribes joining together into larger confederations in the west. Further changes were made to a defense in depth strategy that allowed incursions of the enemy into the borders. This was effective to defend the core of the empire, or at least the emperor and his control, but it left the populace open to attacks and forced them to abandon lands away from defenses, no small independent farms far away from fortresses. The people payed heavily in taxes for less defense and the empire began to seem like more trouble than it was worth. Interesting thoughts backed up by research into records of the times.
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