DOC The Grand Duchy of Karameikos by Aaron Allston sale selling read how to itunes

DOC The Grand Duchy of Karameikos by Aaron Allston sale selling read how to itunes

DOC The Grand Duchy of Karameikos by Aaron Allston sale selling read how to itunes

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Book description
We can all agree, I believe, all of our reviews for these 2E supplement-type things can begin with the basic caveat of within the limits of its purpose and intended audience.... So feel free to think that at the beginning of the rest of my 2E resource reviews (if any more are forthcoming). This rather intriguing idea for a resource line (as so many of the 2E Golden Age Glut resources were) gives us great detail about the families, organizations, ins and outs, and other whatnots of Karameikos life. Those who may think the creative team has spent way too much time making up this sort of thing for people who dont really exist are certainly not going to pick this up anyway (or, likely, any other work of fiction), so theres no need to be bothered by that. Since most of my early AD&D experiences were in Mystara (though I didnt know First Quest was Mystara at the time), this peals that nostalgia bell loudly and crisply. If there are any drawbacks to it, it is the lack of references to the novels featuring Mystara/Karameikos and these characters, though its possible none of those were written when this came out, so that may be more of an anachronistic drawback. It does list the modules featuring Karameikos, which is rather helpful, but it does highlight the potential frustration in that there werent more Mystara official Karameikos modules at the time, yet it is also one of the highlights of the time: instead of dictating everything that was acceptable to be done in this world, DMs were rather free to take these interesting NPCs with interesting relationships and intrigues and do what good DMs did/do - create and be imaginative. True, someones Karameikan campaign could clash with what some future story or module did with the characters, but that would be easily remedied by a good DM. For the players, this module doesnt have too much other than backstory and NPC info, but it does provide some helpful stats on character generation for Karameikan native characters. This is, I believe, the shortest of the Gazetteer entries, and perhaps the broadest, and thus also perhaps the most helpful. I liked it.
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