DOC The Face in the Mountain by Magnifying Children's Horizons read pc link english iBooks

DOC The Face in the Mountain by Magnifying Children's Horizons read pc link english iBooks

DOC The Face in the Mountain by Magnifying Children's Horizons read pc link english iBooks

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Book description
Boma and his father are nature giants in Vomper Creek, located in the midst of mountains and meadows. Together, Boma and his father help the nature beings manage the natural world they all live in. When Boma’s father needs to sleep for a hundred years, it’s up to Boma to make sure everything in nature runs smoothly, and he is worried he won’t be able to remember everything his father taught him.The Face in The Mountain will help your child discover the inner-workings of nature and recognize that everything in nature is inter- connected. It also shows the importance of developing character traits like confidence and responsibility.
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