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DOC The Dione Lucas Book of French Cooking by Dione Lucas link without registering selling online ebook

DOC The Dione Lucas Book of French Cooking by Dione Lucas link without registering selling online ebook

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Book description
Dione Lucas was an English woman who was the first female graduate of Le Cordon Bleu. Lucas was fundamental in establishing an unprecedented extension of the famous Paris Culinary School in London in the 1930s. She worked as a hotel chef in Hamburg before World War II and wrote of preparing stuffed squab for Adolf Hitler. She later opened a Cordon Bleu restaurant and a cooking school in New York. She also ran the Egg Basket restaurant by Bloomingdales in New York. Her cooking show To The Queens Taste was broadcast on CBS in 1948-1949 from the restaurant. She had another show in the 1950s.
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