DOC The Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Women by Elizabeth L. Ewan (Editor) ios online portable pc bookstore

DOC The Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Women by Elizabeth L. Ewan (Editor) ios online portable pc bookstore

DOC The Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Women by Elizabeth L. Ewan (Editor) ios online portable pc bookstore

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Book description
This single-volume dictionary presents the lives of individual Scottish women from earliest times to the present. Drawing on new scholarship and a wide network of professional and amateur historians, it throws light on the experience of women from every class and category in Scotland and among the worldwide Scottish diaspora. The Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Women is written for the general reading public and for students of Scottish history and society. It is scholarly in its approach to evidence and engaging in the manner of its presentation. Each entry makes sense of its subject in narrative terms, telling a story rather than simply offering information. The book is as enjoyable to read as it is easy and valuable to consult. It is a unique and important contribution to the history of women and Scotland. The publisher acknowledges support from the Scottish Arts Council and the Scottish Executive Equalities Unit towards the publication of this title.
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