DOC The Battle For Homestead, 1880-1892: Politics, Culture, and Steel by Paul Krause kindle review wiki free pocket

DOC The Battle For Homestead, 1880-1892: Politics, Culture, and Steel by Paul Krause kindle review wiki free pocket

DOC The Battle For Homestead, 1880-1892: Politics, Culture, and Steel by Paul Krause kindle review wiki free pocket

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Book description

Book description
In The Battle for Homestead, Paul Krause calls upon the methods and insights of labor history, intellectual history, anthropology, and the history of technology to situate the events of the lockout and their significance in the broad context of America’s Guilded Age. Utilizing extensive archival material, much of it heretofore unknown, he reconstructs the social, intellectual, and political climate of the burgeoning post-Civil War steel industry.
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