DOC The Ann Lovejoy Handbook of Northwest Gardening: Natural-Sustainable-Organic by Ann Lovejoy online touch offline macbook author

DOC The Ann Lovejoy Handbook of Northwest Gardening: Natural-Sustainable-Organic by Ann Lovejoy online touch offline macbook author

DOC The Ann Lovejoy Handbook of Northwest Gardening: Natural-Sustainable-Organic by Ann Lovejoy online touch offline macbook author

> READ BOOK > The Ann Lovejoy Handbook of Northwest Gardening: Natural-Sustainable-Organic

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Book description

Book description
In her latest book, Ann Lovejoy covers every corner of natural gardening in the Pacific Northwest. All the steps are here in detail, from landscaping and design to soil prep and planting beds. She explains organic approaches to ground covers, lawns, shrubs, trees, and more, all with an eye to building a beautiful and sustainable garden that’s friendly to people, pets, and wildlife, and that flourishes without chemical fertilizers and pest controls. 100 color photographs enhance this complete and practical manual of ornamental gardening.
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