DOC The Almond Tree by Michelle Cohen Corasanti (Goodreads Author) full reading ios online apple

DOC The Almond Tree by Michelle Cohen Corasanti (Goodreads Author) full reading ios online apple

DOC The Almond Tree by Michelle Cohen Corasanti (Goodreads Author) full reading ios online apple

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Book description
This is an alternate-cover edition for ASIN B008XM0AZM.Gifted with a brilliant mind that has made a deep impression on the elders of his Palestinian village, Ahmed Hamid is nevertheless tormented by his inability to save his friends and family. Living under occupation, the inhabitants of the village harbour a constant fear of losing their homes, jobs, belongings – and each other. On Ahmed’s twelfth birthday, that fear becomes a reality. With his father now imprisoned, his family’s home and possessions confiscated and his siblings quickly succumbing to hatred in the face of conflict, Ahmed embarks on a journey to liberate his loved ones from their hardship, using his prodigious intellect. In so doing, he begins to reclaim a love for others that had been lost over the course of a childhood rife with violence, and discovers new hope for the future.
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