DOC Texas Haven by Kathleen Ball (Goodreads Author) access cheap download iphone amazon

DOC Texas Haven by Kathleen Ball (Goodreads Author) access cheap download iphone amazon

DOC Texas Haven by Kathleen Ball (Goodreads Author) access cheap download iphone amazon

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Book description
Everything in Annie Douglas life has taught her that men can’t be trusted. Although Burke is big, strong, and not seemingly gentle, Annie feels drawn to the handsome Texas cowboy. Upon discovering Burke’s advertisement for a wife, Annie shyly asks if he might consider her. Burke Dawson wants children; unfortunately, that also includes a wife. His first wife was a citified hellcat who stole half of his ranch. Now Burke’s determined to find an honest country girl with no expectations of love. Misunderstandings, accidents, and treachery leads to Annie leaving shattered and alone. Can their shaking start lead to the possible loving relationship they both desire but neither is sure of?
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