DOC Teach Yourself Chess (Teach Yourself Sports & Games) by William Hartston (Goodreads Author) download book epub

DOC Teach Yourself Chess (Teach Yourself Sports & Games) by William Hartston (Goodreads Author) download book epub

DOC Teach Yourself Chess (Teach Yourself Sports & Games) by William Hartston (Goodreads Author) download book epub

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Book description

Book description
Teach Yourself Chess contains all you need to know to learn and develop an understanding of good chess. It begins with the basics, the moves of the pieces, elementary tactics and basic combinations to force checkmate. It then explains how to fight for control, how to exploit strengths and weaknesses and how to develop a strategic plan. It also includes useful commentaries on historic games and exercises for the reader. It has an accessible style which wont overburden you with too many complex ideas too quickly, but gradually builds your understanding and confidence.
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