DOC Starships of the Galaxy by Owen K.C. Stephens how download online original purchase book

DOC Starships of the Galaxy by Owen K.C. Stephens how download online original purchase book

DOC Starships of the Galaxy by Owen K.C. Stephens how download online original purchase book

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Book description

Book description
A good solid supplement. It contains expanded rules for starship combat that include a starship maneuvers suite that works in practice like the force suite in the main game. Anyone who purchases the starship maneuvers feat gains so many feats based upon a characteristic. Also, included are new talents for each class, new talents for some prestige classes especially a lot for the ace pilot. For those who miss the tech specialist from the Star Wars 3.0, this book adds the tech specialist feat, which allows you to craft all non starship items, and then the starship design feat, which allows you to design and make starships. There are some rules about galactic laws related to starships as well.In addition to all the cool new feats and talents, the book contains rules on customizing a ship or even creating a new ship. If you have the main book and this book, you should easily be able to craft a new ship.The biggest portion of the book is the starship codex, which covers 105 pages of the 160 page book. Most of the ships are Clone Wars and later centered mostly in the Rise of the Empire, Rebellion, and New Jedi Order Era, but there are some ships from the Old Republic to include the Ebon Hawk and the ship it is based on from the Knights of the Old Republic games, there are also ships from the Legacy era as well. In addition, the stats for the Falcon are included as a few deck plans. The ships span a wide variety of types from starfighters, to space transports, to frigates, to the planet destroying Super Star Destroyer.Whats missing from the book are a few ships Id have liked to seen. The two Death Stars, Mara Jades various ships, Landos ships, Talon Kardes ship, the Stealth X, and Luke Skywalkers X-wing. Id have liked to see more deck plans on ships as well as the map of the galaxy that has yet to be included in a Saga Edition supplement. Lastly, and this is being nit-picky, but the Millenium Falcon carries 6 passengers, but the deck plans for the YT-1300 base model (which also carries 6 passengers) doesnt show any staterooms. It is possible that they made an error or are showing a deck plan that has more cargo. Such an error should have been caught.Overall, the book was an interesting read, and it contained useful information for expanding a spacefaring campaign. If not for the error and the items I mentioned that Id have liked to seen in the book, Id give it 5 stars.
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