DOC Simulation of Digital Communication Systems using Matlab by Mathuranathan Viswanathan (Goodreads Author) german online english format offline

DOC Simulation of Digital Communication Systems using Matlab by Mathuranathan Viswanathan (Goodreads Author) german online english format offline

DOC Simulation of Digital Communication Systems using Matlab by Mathuranathan Viswanathan (Goodreads Author) german online english

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Book description
Are you interested in simulation of communication systems in Matlab and do not know where to start? If so, your search for a good text ends here. Some of the simulation topics include various digital modulation and channel coding techniques, OFDM, fading channels, random distributions .Essential topics in digital communication are also introduced to foster better understanding of simulation methodologies.This ebook is meant for students and instructors who are interested in simulation of signal processing and digital communication with Matlab. You should have a fair understanding of Matlab programming to begin with. Essential topics in digital communication are introduced to foster understanding of simulation methodologies.This second edition includes following new topics - propagation path models like - log normal shadowing, Hata-Okumura models, in-depth treatment of Shannon-Hartley equation and Channel Capacity calculationSome of the key topics include: Sampling theorem, hard & soft decision decoding, Hamming codes, Reed Solomon codes, convolutional codes, Viterbi decoding, Inter symbol interference, Correlative coding, Raised cosine filter, Square Root Raised Cosine filter, Gibbs phenomenon, Moving average filter, Probability and random process, Chi-square, Gaussian, uniform, Rician, Rayleigh distributions, demonstration of central limit theorem, Propagation models, fading models, digital modulation techniques, OFDM, spread spectrum.
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