DOC Self and Sovereignty: Individual and Community in South Asian Islam Since 1850 by Ayesha Jalal online look how to audio get

DOC Self and Sovereignty: Individual and Community in South Asian Islam Since 1850 by Ayesha Jalal online look how to audio get

DOC Self and Sovereignty: Individual and Community in South Asian Islam Since 1850 by Ayesha Jalal online look how to audio get

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Book description
Self and Sovereignty surveys the role of individual Muslim men and women within India and Pakistan from 1850 through to decolonisation and the partition period.Commencing in colonial times, this book explores and interprets the historical processes through which the perception of the Muslim individual and the community of Islam has been reconfigured over time. Self and Sovereignty examines the relationship between Islam and nationalism and the individual, regional, class and cultural differences that have shaped the discourse and politics of Muslim identity. As well as fascinating discussion of political and religious movements, culture and art, this book includes analysis of: * press, poetry and politics in late nineteenth century India* the politics of language and identity - Hindi, Urdu and Punjabi* Muslim identity, cultural differnce and nationalism* the Punjab and the politics of Union and Disunion* the creation of PakistanCovering a period of immense upheaval and sometimes devastating violence, this work is an important and enlightening insight into the history of Muslims in South Asia.
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