DOC Saving Saddler Street by Ruth Starke eng iphone cheap book download

DOC Saving Saddler Street by Ruth Starke eng iphone cheap book download

DOC Saving Saddler Street by Ruth Starke eng iphone cheap book download

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Book description
Ruth Starke lives in Adelaide, South Australia, and has published more than 20 novels for young people including the award-winning NIPS XI, which was named Honour Book (Younger Readers) in the 2001 CBC Awards and is currently on the Fiction for Young Readers curriculum, Noodle Pie and the Captain Congo series of graphic novels.She was awarded the Carclew Fellowship in 2002, and currently serves as a judge for both the Colin Thiele Writing Fellowship and the Independent Arts Fellowship. She is a regular and longtime book reviewer for Australian Book Review, Viewpoint, and Radio Adelaide, an an editorial adviser for ABR, and a past Chair of the SA Writers Centre.Before becoming an author, Ruth worked in public relations and travel marketing, and at a great variety of other jobs - of which the most interesting, she says, were selling French perfume in Harrods, cooking on the radio, taking tourists to Kashmir, and interviewing Grand Prix drivers.She turned to fiction writing in 1992, and since then has become one of Australias best-loved authors for children and young adults.For more information visit:
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