DOC Sam Zabel And The Magic Pen by Dylan Horrocks (Goodreads Author) eReader download online ebay itunes

DOC Sam Zabel And The Magic Pen by Dylan Horrocks (Goodreads Author) eReader download online ebay itunes

DOC Sam Zabel And The Magic Pen by Dylan Horrocks (Goodreads Author) eReader download online ebay itunes

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Book description
Acclaimed cartoonist Dylan Horrocks returns with a long-awaited new graphic novel, the first since his perennial classic, 1998 s Hicksville. Cartoonist Sam Zabel hasn t drawn a comic in years. Stuck in a nightmare of creative block and despair, Sam spends his days writing superhero stories for a large American comics publisher and staring at a blank piece of paper, unable to draw a single line. Then one day he finds a mysterious old comic book set on Mars and is suddenly thrown headlong into a wild, fantastic journey through centuries of comics, stories, and imaginary worlds. Accompanied by a young webcomic creator named Alice and an enigmatic schoolgirl with rocket boots and a bag full of comics, Sam goes in search of the Magic Pen, encountering sex-crazed aliens, medieval monks, pirates, pixies and of course cartoonists. Funny, erotic, and thoughtful, Sam Zabel and the Magic Pen explores the pleasures, dangers, and moral consequences of fantasy.
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