DOC Russia and the Rumanian National Cause, 1858-1859 by Barbara Jelavich price cheap book selling francais

DOC Russia and the Rumanian National Cause, 1858-1859 by Barbara Jelavich price cheap book selling francais

DOC Russia and the Rumanian National Cause, 1858-1859 by Barbara Jelavich price cheap book selling francais

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Book description
If youre not a specialist in Romanian diplomatic history, I would leave this on the shelf, as it is steep in the minutiae of Romanian, French, and Russian diplomatic history. The narrative covers the roughly two years before and leading up to the founding of the United Principalities of Wallachia and Moldovia and the subsequent election of Iozn Alexandru Cuza, pre-Romanias first Prince and advocate of a united, or Greater, Romania. The exchanged related here are primarily between the Russian diplomats posted in Romania at the time, although there is also a great deal of information pertaining the historical situation in the region that would eventually become Romania. Its an interesting read, but only of the reader is familiar with first, a broader sense of Balkan, Hapsburg, and Ottoman history, and second, a sound foundation in Romanian history. If the reader does not possess these prequisites, he will find this short book utterly boring.
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