DOC Reset by Jacqueline Druga (Goodreads Author) ebay via apple english free

DOC Reset by Jacqueline Druga (Goodreads Author) ebay via apple english free

DOC Reset by Jacqueline Druga (Goodreads Author) ebay via apple english free

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Book description
The population pushes ten billion people. The future is bleak. Scientists have determined that if the population continues at its current rate of acceleration, global resources will be depleted in a generation. Earth’s sixth extinction does not include the human race. Something needs to be done.In an attempt to control and decrease population, a mutated form of the measles is released. As a precaution, an assurance plan is placed in motion.A sampling of mankind is hidden away in a protective bunker, placed in stasis where they will sleep through the entire event. They are set to awaken one year later to a perfectly balanced world.Not all goes as planned. Sadly, only a few survive the stasis process.Nora Lane and Jason Rudolph are two of those who survive. When they wake, like the other survivors, neither of them remember how they got there and why. All they know is they must get out.A countdown clock on the door winds down to something.They are ill-prepared for what they will face when that door opens.
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