DOC Rectangle Pizzazz: Fast, Fun & Finished in a Day by Judy Sisneros fb2 phone kickass download audio

DOC Rectangle Pizzazz: Fast, Fun & Finished in a Day by Judy Sisneros fb2 phone kickass download audio

DOC Rectangle Pizzazz: Fast, Fun & Finished in a Day by Judy Sisneros fb2 phone kickass download audio

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Book description
I got Judys 9-Patch Pizzazz: Fast, Fun & Finished in a Day after seeing it in my LQS. It had some fun, simple patterns in it, with ideas for using those ideas to create other quilts based on the basic idea. To be honest, I am a long-time quilter, with a depth of experience, and have designed quilts myself for many years. However, I have a stash of large prints that I had not been able to come up with any ideas for, and was frustrated. My work usually is based on applique, and I wanted something quick and easy, so 9-Patch Pizzazz: Fast, Fun & Finished in a Day was an investment in what to do when I have quilters block and just want to make something fun.This book doesnt have it same feel as the first one. It feels more rushed, and less like something she enjoyed writing, as compared to the first one. It wasnt as creative, and her fabric choices were less than stellar. It isnt bad, but not up to her capabilities. It felt more “rush rush to get it to the printer” than anything else. Meh.I hope she comes out with more books. I know she has the creativity, I just hope she is given the time to write up to her own standards in the future.
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