DOC Paris: The Collected Traveler by Barrie Kerper free eng format epub review

DOC Paris: The Collected Traveler by Barrie Kerper free eng format epub review

DOC Paris: The Collected Traveler by Barrie Kerper free eng format epub review

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Book description
This unique guide to one of the world’s most beloved tourist destinations combines fascinating articles by a wide variety of writers, woven throughout with the editor’s own indispensable advice and opinions—providing in one package an unparalleled experience of an extraordinary place. This edition on Paris features:● Articles, interviews, and reminiscences from writers, visitors, residents, and experts on the region, including Ina Garten, André Aciman, Judith Jones, Mireille Guiliano, Naomi Barry, and Patricia Wells. ● In-depth pieces that illuminate such treasures of the City of Light as the bridges on the Seine; Parisian train stations; cobbled streets and hidden gardens; the peculiarities of the French language; the delights of French bread, chocolate, and wine; and much more.● Enticing recommendations for further reading, including novels, histories, memoirs, cookbooks, and guidebooks.● An A–Z Miscellany of concise and entertaining information on special shops, hotels, and museums not to be missed; French phrases and customs; boat trips on the Seine; Jewish history; antiques; spas; tips for shopping; and the most romantic spots in Paris.● Recommendations for excursions to Chartres, Fontainebleau, Burgundy, Brittany, and Champagne.● More than 150 photographs and illustrations. 
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