DOC Omm Setys Egypt: A Story of Ancient Mysteries, Secret Lives, and the Lost History of the Pharaohs by Hanny El Zeini spanish book link no registration view

DOC Omm Setys Egypt: A Story of Ancient Mysteries, Secret Lives, and the Lost History of the Pharaohs by Hanny El Zeini spanish book link no registration view

DOC Omm Setys Egypt: A Story of Ancient Mysteries, Secret Lives, and the Lost History of the Pharaohs by Hanny El Zeini spanish

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Book description

Book description
Revelations in Egyptology, based on the diaries of Dorothy Eady, better known as Omm Sety.Omm Sety – a brilliant, eccentric Englishwoman with uncanny knowledge of New Kingdom Egypt, its royal secrets and religious practices – worked under some of the 20th century’s greatest Egyptologists and lived a life of magic and memory. Omm Sety’s EGYPT contains never-before-seen episodes from her life, and important, previously unknown details of Egyptian history.“Omm Sety was a controversial character... an example of a soul so consumed with a purpose that it focused the arc of her life - not in one incarnation only, but in at least two. She knew things she could not have known without some extraordinary extension of consciousness.– Stephen A. Schwartz, Director of Research, Rhine Research Center, Durham, North Carolina and author of Opening to the InfiniteWith access to Omm Setys secrets, diaries and riveting private conversations, the authors navigate this explosive material with elegance, sincerity, and sympathy. Readers may have trouble putting this book down once they start it.– John Anthony West, author of The Serpent in the Sky
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