DOC No Turning Back: Pursuing the Path of Christian Discipleship by Verwer George iBooks how to free itunes without registering

DOC No Turning Back: Pursuing the Path of Christian Discipleship by Verwer George iBooks how to free itunes without registering

DOC No Turning Back: Pursuing the Path of Christian Discipleship by Verwer George iBooks how to free itunes without registering

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Book description
Renowned leader Verwer (OM) challenges us to effective service for the Lord and helps us live a life worthy of the calling.Jesus asks for a lifetimes commitment to the armies of the Lord: you serve until you die. My prayer for this book is that it should call you to effective service and show you some of the disciples weapons; that it should teach you how to press on when the going gets tough, and that it should help you to live a life of love - a life worthy of the Lord you serve. - George Verwer
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