DOC My Prince 2 by Alyloony (Goodreads Author) without registering shop pdf torrent read

DOC My Prince 2 by Alyloony (Goodreads Author) without registering shop pdf torrent read

DOC My Prince 2 by Alyloony (Goodreads Author) without registering shop pdf torrent read

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Book description
Arcie Morales finally found her prince. Pero para sa isang mala-fairytale na kwento, hindi pwedeng instant happily ever after agad. Paano kung dumating ang past ng kanyang prinsipe at guluhin nito ang lahat? idagdag mo pa ang knight in shining armor niya na nasa katauhan ng kanyang best friend na matagal na palang in love sa kanya?Sa bawat fairytale, ang prinsipe ay para sa prinsesa. Pero sa mala-fairytale like na kwentong ito, wala pa ring kasiguraduhan kung sino ang para kanino.
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