DOC Move Your Shadow: South Africa, Black and White by Joseph Lelyveld download book free txt

DOC Move Your Shadow: South Africa, Black and White by Joseph Lelyveld download book free txt

DOC Move Your Shadow: South Africa, Black and White by Joseph Lelyveld download book free txt

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Book description
i liked this. another book about the south africa that i have read recently which was similar to rian malans my traitors heart but this time the journalist is american. the story right on the last 2 pages was very poignant i thought where an africaner takes his 2 young sons (15 and 13 ish i think) to see a group of blacks who were slaightered by other black - not to rub it in about how vicious blacks can be at the time but to make them realise the gravity of the situation. the book isa bit slow itn eht first third but really kicks in after that. especially at the point when it talks abotu the tortures taht were taking place - some in quite a bit of detail. teh book was deeply philosophical at times and offers soem really interesting insights into the black and at times white psyche afrikaners were not racist, tey were just revolted by the way some blacks spit and sneez in public. when black manners improved so would the willingness of whites to seek political acmodation. incredible.
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