DOC Morning Star by Marian SIms fb2 sale tablet access online

DOC Morning Star by Marian SIms fb2 sale tablet access online

DOC Morning Star by Marian SIms fb2 sale tablet access online

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Book description
I first read this book in the 1960s, as a girl. I remembered that it was a romance, but my interest stemmed from the fact that the book had belonged to my mother when she was a girl. It was one of the few books that remained after her death. I decided to re-read it as I had forgotten everything about it. It takes place in the 1920s and 30s, in a small Alabama town and is the story of a well-to-do young woman, trying to assert herself through college and marriage. It must have been quite radical at the time and I wonder what my mother thought of it when she read it. It was a tough time for a woman who wanted anything other than the traditional life of a wife and mother. The book was published in 1934; the author wrote short stories for The Saturday Evening Post and Colliers.
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