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DOC Milan Kundera and Feminism: Dangerous Intersections by John O'Brien download acquire full version book no registration

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Book description
Since sexuality and sexual politics account for the most consistently engaged tensions in Milan Kunderas fiction, it is surprising that critical attention to Kunderas work has yet to produce an extensive study that concentrates on the Czech novelists problematic representations of women. In this study, OBrien offers two such in-depth considerations: First he tracks the (mis)representations of the female characters; then he explores the promise of reading Kundera from the feminist perspective. Initially, OBrien takes Kundera to task for representing women from a perspective dominated by either/or, opposition-based frameworks. Instead of dismissing Kundera as sexist, however, OBrien takes these concerns further, arguing that a feminist-postmodernist approach shows Kundera exposing, not reinforcing, the misrepresentation of women. Using an eclectic perspective that draws on the insights of feminist criticism and deconstruction, the author looks to strong women, such as The Unbearable Lightness of Beings Sabina in order to develop a method of simultaneously appreciating the complicated surfaces and the paradoxical depths of Kunderas work. Considering OBriens own cross-purpose and Kunderas famous penchant for ambiguity, the duality of OBriens conclusions are appropriate. Milan Kundera & Feminism considers Kunderas contributions to the feminist critique of representation without ignoring the serious difficulties for the feminist reader.
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