DOC Medieval Ceramics, Vol 29 2005 by Derek Hall (Editor) mobi online

DOC Medieval Ceramics, Vol 29 2005 by Derek Hall (Editor) mobi online

DOC Medieval Ceramics, Vol 29 2005 by Derek Hall (Editor) mobi online

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Book description
Derek Hall is an Archaeologist and Ceramic SpecialistHall was born in 1958 in Gloucester, England but has spent most of his life in Scotland and therefore regards himself as a Scot! He studied at the Dorset Institute of Higher Education, Weymouth where he gained a Certificate in Practical Archaeology (graduating in 1978). From 1976 to 1980 he worked on archaeological sites throughout Scotland and England, including one of the first urban rescue excavations in Scotland in advance of the Elgin Relief road.In 1980 he joined the Urban Archaeology Unit, the predecessor of the Scottish Urban Archaeological Unit (SUAT). From 1982-1985 he was a Senior Supervisor for SUAT on several major excavations before being appointed Field Officer. In 1996 he was seconded to Historic Scotland as an Inspector of Ancient Monuments, before returning to SUAT as Depute Director until its demise in 2009. He has extensive research interests in Scottish Medieval Pottery and medieval hospitals and monastic granges. He is currently Editor of the Tayside and Fife Archaeological Journal and editor of Medieval Ceramics (annual journal of the Medieval Pottery Research Group).He has particular research interest in medieval monastic land-use, the medieval burghs of Scotland and is a medieval pottery specialist of 31 years standing. His first book Burgess, Merchant and Priest was published in 2002 as part of the Making of Scotland series his second Scottish Monastic Landscapes was published by Tempus in 2006.
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