DOC Lucifers Shadow by Phillipe Boulle (Editor) ios online portable pc bookstore

DOC Lucifers Shadow by Phillipe Boulle (Editor) ios online portable pc bookstore

DOC Lucifers Shadow by Phillipe Boulle (Editor) ios online portable pc bookstore

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Book description
At the dawn of creation, Lucifer ignited the fires of rebellion. Now, after an eternity, the gates of Hell are broken and the angels of the abyss walk the Earth once more. In the so-called City of Angels, a terrible earthquake sparks three days and nights of rioting, and tales of the end of the world. The Devil himself walks the burning streets of Los Angeles. Answering the clarion call, demons congregate in the modern Babylon, searching for answers and for blood. This anthology features ten different tales of horror and apocalypse.
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