DOC Love Thy Neighbor (Loveswept, No 825) by Kathy Lynn Emerson (Goodreads Author) original find online kindle book

DOC Love Thy Neighbor (Loveswept, No 825) by Kathy Lynn Emerson (Goodreads Author) original find online kindle book

DOC Love Thy Neighbor (Loveswept, No 825) by Kathy Lynn Emerson (Goodreads Author) original find online kindle book

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Book description
aka Kaitlyn Dunnett, Kate Emerson, Kaitlyn GortonKathy Lynn Emerson began writing as a child: a newspaper for her dolls and then a rambling adventure series featuring characters from all her favourite television shows. On reaching adulthood, she moved from New York State to attend college in rural Maine. Here she met her future husband in the first week. They married two weeks after graduation and she has been writing ever since. Kathy is a highly versatile author. In addition to contemporary, historical and time-travel romance (also under the pen-name of Kaitlyn Gorton), she has written childrens fiction and non-fiction, biography and history. At present, she writes a contemporary cozy mystery series as Kaitlyn Dunnett and non-mystery historical novels as Kate Emerson. Kathy shares her home with her husband and three cats.
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