DOC Lore: Tales of Myth and Legend Retold by Brinda Berry (Goodreads Author) doc free full selling book

DOC Lore: Tales of Myth and Legend Retold by Brinda Berry (Goodreads Author) doc free full selling book

DOC Lore: Tales of Myth and Legend Retold by Brinda Berry (Goodreads Author) doc free full selling book

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Book description
A collection of six folklore retellings that will twist your mind and claim your heart.SHIMMER: A heartbroken boy rescues a mermaid... but is it too late to save her?BETWEEN is about a girl, a genie, and a ton of bad decisions. SUNSET MOON: Eloise doesnt believe in Native American magic--until the dreamcatcher spiders spin her down an unknown path.THE MAKER: An incapacitated young man bent on revenge builds a creature to do it for him.A BEAUTIFUL MOURNING: The story of a Maya goddess torn between duty and love, and the ultimate sacrifice she must make to achieve true happiness.THE BARRICADES: When a human girl risks everything to save the life of an Eternal prince, will their feelings for each other change the world they know, or tear it apart?
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