DOC Lizzy and Skunk by Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick (Goodreads Author) online doc portable kindle wiki

DOC Lizzy and Skunk by Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick (Goodreads Author) online doc portable kindle wiki

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Book description
This story is about a little girl who has a sock puppet that she carries around with her. Whenever she is afraid of something her puppet helps her through it. Soon Lizzy learns not to be afraid about things and instead be brave. I really enjoyed this book because it reminded me so much of how almost every child carries an item that they cherish and helps them through things. I believe that this is a really good book to read to child so that they may understand that they can be brave and dont need that item anymore. The child will learn to do things by themselves and deal with fears. I would also use this book in a classroom to teach children about benefits of working together and also doing things by themselves. The drawings in this book are well done and easy to follow as they compliment the story.
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