DOC Leaving the World by Douglas Kennedy (Goodreads Author) online pdf shop ipad acquire

DOC Leaving the World by Douglas Kennedy (Goodreads Author) online pdf shop ipad acquire

DOC Leaving the World by Douglas Kennedy (Goodreads Author) online pdf shop ipad acquire

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Book description
From the bestselling author of The Woman in the Fifth and The Pursuit of Happiness comes a devastating new novel.Years after vowing to herself and her parents to never marry, have children and lead the resentful life they chose, Jane, now a Harvard professor, falls unexpectedly pregnant. Resolved as she’s been to childlessness, she begins to warm to the idea of motherhood, even with a partner who is increasingly absent. But a devastating turn of events takes the decision out of her hands in a way she could never have predicted.Her familiar world torn apart, Jane feels forced to leave her old life behind. She resigns from her job, cuts all ties with friends and family and moves to a place where no one will find her. Isolated, she feels she has finally succeeded in leaving her world.Yet when a young girl disappears, prompting a high-profile police investigation, Jane is drawn in. Convinced that the person at the heart of the case is much closer to her new community than anyone realises, she has to make a decision to either stay hidden or bring to light a shocking truth.
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