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DOC Insufferable Proximity by Z. Stefani (Goodreads Author) how read download free value cheap

DOC Insufferable Proximity by Z. Stefani (Goodreads Author) how read download free value cheap

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Book description
Note: Alternate cover for ASIN B007FIIF34Someone is hell-bent on sabotaging Julian King.Julian is a hot-shot lawyer and a natural born womanizer with an unnatural addiction to the opposite sex. He also happens to be the bosss son, which makes him a natural target. With a Rolodex filled with scorned women, a brother who loathes him and the competitors he defeated on his way to the top; there were plenty of people that would love to see him burn. But his money was on the person he despised most, his enemy Heaven Deville. Heaven is an aggressive, ambitious, destructively-driven lawyer who HATES Julian King. The two stubborn lawyers were currently locked in a brutal battle for the coveted partnership position at the firm; and Heaven would do ANYTHING to prevent her arch rival from winning.When Heaven goes too far Julian gives her two options- either he turns her in OR she has to willingly sign herself over to him for the next 30 days. WARNING- CONTAINS STRONG SEXUAL CONTENT! Check a sample at my website-
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