DOC Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation by Ernest L. Norman touch page link read via

DOC Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation by Ernest L. Norman touch page link read via

DOC Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation by Ernest L. Norman touch page link read via

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Book description
This book changed my life. I first read it when I was only 21 years old, and Ive been studying these concepts of interdimensional life ever since. In fact, it is a major resource for the book I am just writing, and has influenced both my fiction and nonfiction writing. If you havent looked it over, please do. You wont find anything like it among all the reams of self-help or metaphysical or spiritual books; this one contains a full and complete, visionary science of universal life that will blow your mind. The author claimed it was for the benefit of future generations -- soo, here we are! Many of the concepts in the book that seemed beyond the beyond when I was 21 have now been discovered, proven and accepted by conventional science! But many other elements of interdimensional life in this book are still awaiting discovery by conventional science .. and it is fast catching up! Particularly in the fields of quantum physics, epigenetics, energy medicine, energy psychology, and astronomy (the discovery of dark matter and dark energy). However, Ernest Norman explains exactly what those unknowns consist of, how they interact interdimensionally, and how this affects us. Also how we can use this information to improve our present lives.The best thing about this book is that it was written so ordinary folks in the 1950s could comprehend its advanced energy concepts without mathematical language. Its also meant for anyone to apply to their own lives in useful forms of personal self-help therapy. I cant say enough good things about how that has shaped my entire adult life into something quite extraordinary! Which is why I write now--too much goodness and I must share!Dont be put off by the slow pace and formal language of the 50s; this book really does contain rocket science! The genuine article. Slow start, but it takes off very quickly once youre into it. One more thing: You can read it a dozen times and youll still get something new from it each time. Thats because your mind needs time to catch up with the rapid propulsion your spirit will experience as you read.
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