DOC Immortal Rain, Vol. 5 by Kaori Ozaki itunes link original selling read

DOC Immortal Rain, Vol. 5 by Kaori Ozaki itunes link original selling read

DOC Immortal Rain, Vol. 5 by Kaori Ozaki itunes link original selling read

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Book description
Kaori Ozaki, Immortal Rain, vol. 5 (Tokyopop, 2003)Immortal Rain gets back on track by forcing a pretty major storyline change at the end of vol. 4. (If you haven’t read it, I’m not going to spoil it for you here.) In any case, it’s a year later and Machika, searching for Rain, is trying to get to the city of Raimei, where she’s been told he is. When she gets there, she find some unexpected friends…It’s the little details that have always made Immortal Rain such a good series. Kiki has grown in the year between the two volumes, and Ozaki has done interesting things with her. Machika has also changed, though not outwardly, as has Yuca. The little things add the depth and resonance, and they’re why I’m so fond of Karo Ozaki’s stuff. ****
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