DOC Healing Psoriasis: The Natural Alternative by John O.A. Pagano spanish download information eng book

DOC Healing Psoriasis: The Natural Alternative by John O.A. Pagano spanish download information eng book

DOC Healing Psoriasis: The Natural Alternative by John O.A. Pagano spanish download information eng book

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Book description
According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, at least seven million people in the U.S. and more than 100 million worldwide suffer from psoriasis, a chronic skin disease. This book outlines Dr. Paganos natural, drug-free treatment regimen. Healing Psoriasis outlines a healthy diet and lifestyle and includes case histories, photos, recipes, and a chapter on eczema.Say goodbye to the pain, scales, itching, and self-consciousness--naturally.No more drugs, steroid creams, tar baths, or ultraviolet treatments! Now there is another way to achieve a cure. In Healing Psoriasis, youll discover how to alleviate, control, and even heal this agonizing condition without dangerous drugs or treatments.This life-altering guide presents a proven, all-natural, safe, and healthy program for healing psoriasis. In simple, straightforward language, Dr. John Pagano explains why psoriasis must be viewed from the inside out; reveals the importance of diet, detoxification, and mental attitude in overcoming the disease; and offers a clear, step-by-step regimen that has helped many people worldwide win their battle with psoriasis.
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