DOC Haifa Fragments by Khulud Khamis (Goodreads Author) windows without signing epub book view

DOC Haifa Fragments by Khulud Khamis (Goodreads Author) windows without signing epub book view

DOC Haifa Fragments by Khulud Khamis (Goodreads Author) windows without signing epub book view

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Book description
Jewellery designer Maisoon wants an ordinary extraordinary life, which isn’t easy for a tradition-defying, peace-activist, Palestinian citizen of Israel who refuses to be crushed by the feeling of being an unwelcome guest in the land of her ancestors. Frustrated by the apathy of her boyfriend Ziyad and her father Majid—who want her to get on with her life and forget those in the Occupied Territories—she lashes out, only to discover that her father is not the man she thought he was. Raised a Christian, in a relationship with a Muslim man and enamoured with a Palestinian woman from the Occupied Territories, Maisoon must determine her own path.
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