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Book description
Really not a bad extension novel at all, although it had some issues. The feel of it is, if not Blyton, at least tolerably Blytonesque. There is still the problem that very few of the new girls, Bonnie aside - Bonnie is great, and unfortunately not in it much - have any defined personality. Worse, neither does Felicity nor Susan. Having Gwen back and treated more sympathetically, and giving her a gruff-voice down-to-earth girlfriend, was particularly great.The big problems for me were:* Not properly understanding the period or the world. At the old girls reunion, every single flipping girl has a career. Now, the special ones like Mavis and Irene, fair enough, but you cant tell me that those many years later in that period none of them would be housewives. I cant see Daphnes ideal future as anything but marrying well. The plot also turns on a massive misunderstanding of the role of housemaids and kitchen maids (completely undistinguished in this book) at the school - they are in no way the girls personal maids, and it simply wouldnt be possible for schoolgirl!Gwen to have made ones life hell for years making her do all her mending and fetching and carrying.* Demonising the maid. Who has her living to earn, which doesnt matter at all. Yuck.How the hell would Gwen earn enough teaching deportment to the sixth form to help her family with the money? Especially once her room and board were deducted?* Forgetting things about Gwen that really were relevant. Darrell, Bill and Clarissa kept writing to her after she left. Darrell would know she was back at the school. Bill and Clarissa are particularly significant. They kept writing to her, they are living freaking next door, they run in and out of the school all the time to see Miss Peters (as per the other extensions), but they never bothered to drop in on their old schoolmate and say Hello, welcome back until the old girls reunion? When they were two of the only three girls to make an effort to keep in touch with Gwen? That seems... uncharacteristically unkind of them.* Crushes Are Bad. (This might explain why B&C were absent, I guess.) And a girl who normally doesnt take any interest in others taking a kindly interest in a girl with a crush on her has to be stomped n by kind, sympathetic Head Girl Felicity, who resorts to mocking a first-formers weight. Nice.* It was mentioned that Amanda couldnt make it to the reunion - but what about Moira, Catherine, Ruth and Mamzelles niece? Did they just cease to exist the way Daphne did in sixth form? I was very sad not to see Moira.In the end, despite the good points, these frustrations prevented me from really enjoying it. Which is sad, because proper school story plots like balancing games and lessons are always a lot of fun.
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