DOC Four Play by Maya Banks (Goodreads Author) read flibusta via information eng

DOC Four Play by Maya Banks (Goodreads Author) read flibusta via information eng

DOC Four Play by Maya Banks (Goodreads Author) read flibusta via information eng

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Book description
In Pillow Talk by Maya Banks, Zoe is a woman in a committed relationship with her boyfriend Chase. Then one night, Chase reveals his number-one fantasy, which involves his two best buddies. Is Zoe game? She sure is, because it opens the door for a secret fantasy all her own. In Shayla Blacks Her Fantasy Men, a girly-girl named Kelsey plays football, craves action movies, and loves knocking back a cold beer with her three best friends-all male. Yet shes never seemed sexually interested in any one of these hot guys. So what does Kelsey want? A fantasy come true for all four of them.
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