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> READ BOOK > Walk Leviticus!: A Messianic Jewish Devotional Commentary

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Book description
This is A Messianic Jewish Devotional Commentary on the book of Leviticus, as stated on the front cover (for Readers of the Torah, Haftarah, and Brit Chadashah). There were several things I liked about this commentary, and several things that I didnt like so much. On the whole, I found it useful and worth reading.The things I did like. First of all, I liked that it was simple--it sort of broke a lot of the ideas in Leviticus down for you. Secondly, I loved how Hebrew words were introduced into the text and interspersed throughout. I have always been curious about Messianic Judaism, but have found it difficult to read about it because of all the Hebrew. In this commentary, however, certain Hebrew terms are repeated over and over and they are always followed by the English word in brackets. So, if I forgot what it meant, I didnt have to look it up--and by the end of the book, I knew what most of the repeated ones meant. This has in turn helped me with other things Ive been reading lately, that dont explain the Hebrew very well. So this is useful as a guide to some common Hebrew terms.What I did not like... I know I said that I liked that it was simple, but at times it felt too simple. Thats why I was reading it at the same time as a separate (more in-depth) commentary. Each portion of Leviticus was matched with corresponding passages from the prophets and the New Testament, and then seven or eight verses were picked out of each section as key themes (most of them from Leviticus). Then there was a single page for each verse that treated the verse as a springboard to discussing the overall picture of the passage it was from. Then, at the bottom of the page, there was a discussion/reflection question. I started skipping these questions because I either didnt understand what it had to do with the passage, or I simply didnt know where to start thinking.The most valuable part of this reading experience for me was getting an overview of Leviticus, as well as learning some new vocabulary that Ive been wanting to understand.
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