DOC For Her Pleasure by Maya Banks (Goodreads Author) book djvu fb2 free buy

DOC For Her Pleasure by Maya Banks (Goodreads Author) book djvu fb2 free buy

DOC For Her Pleasure by Maya Banks (Goodreads Author) book djvu fb2 free buy

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Book description
A delicious twist on erotic romance, and the debut collection from a hot new author. Three novellas. Two interlocking stories. One sizzling read.Nice set up: one spirited woman in Kit Townsend, and two hot buddies, Ryder and Mac, who take turns giving Kit what she needs. Its the perfect no-strings triangle and while it doesnt exactly follow the rules, neither does Kit. But when love unexpectedly throws these three friends for a loop, can they still have a happy ending?And then theres Mia Malone, a sweet Dallas girl who had big dreams for the future when she first met Texas Ranger Logan Kincaid. That fairy tale was a lifetime ago. Today, framed for drug possession, shes forced to work undercover at a strip joint where several working girls have disappeared. Then in walks Logan-her protector, savior, and lover.
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